The mighty 'Dambuster'...

The Dambuster 380 is the state of the art fishing/recreational boat. The resin infused patented hull design provides greater stability & efficiency comined with its light weight design is approx 80 Kg (45%) lighter than a similar ‘Tinny.’
Moreover the overall design with its emphasis on comfort & ample storage combined with its stylish looks is sure to turn heads wherever it goes. ‘Unsinkable” design Stability and efficiency Light weight Corrosion resistant Multi storage compartments Hull design “breaks up” oncoming waves dramatically reducing the ’thump thump’ effect which is the signature of the ali-boat.
About the Manufacturer
Designed by Mike Taylor, a former Queensland champion rower with decades of experience as an innovative boat builder, and built by ‘Buchanan Advanced Composites’ the same people who built the fibre composite nose cones for the incredible Collins Class Submarines as well as the fibre composite decks and superstructures for the Brisbane “City Cat” ferries. This boat will positively make your head spin!
About the Boat
You’re actually looking at the future in boats! Yes, this is the boat that will become and icon in boating comfort, safety and ‘whole of life savings!
Into every fibre of this incredible boat has been injected the ultimate in boating experience!
No, its not a painted tinny! Or just another fiberglass plug! It’s actually state of the art, fibre composite boat with a capital Wow!
The Dambuster 380 is meant to make you look! Every line… every panel… every angle… looks great… but this beauty is more than skin deep!
It’s the coming together of all that modern science can muster to provide you with a stronger, lighter more stable boat!
This is the stealth fighter of the boating world.
Take a close look it’s water signature… notice the lack of spray.. And why?
Because of its incredibly unique reverse chine and cathedral hull design!
Multiple tunnels under the floor to cushion the ride… and the reverse chines keep the spray where it belongs… in the water and not in the air, in the boat and all over you.
None of that thump, thump which is the signature of the ali -boat.
The Dambuster allows you to sneak up on the big ones at a real rate of Knots and with comfort that others dream of!
This has to be the most comfortable ride you can pack into a 3.8 metre boat.
And when you arrive, you’ll marvel at the stability that this relatively little boat offers.
And when it comes to the water there’s absolutely no substitute for safety. You see, the Dambuster has passed all Qld maritime safety requirements for positive and level flotation.. so if you should capsize the boat for any reason no problems.
And check this out… Yes a watertight security pocket in the nose of the boat for the car keys and mobile phone… not that you’ll need it because this boat is un-sinkable!
And look at the nice clean un-clutterd deck-space and front and rear casting areas.
This is a fishermans dream. Tackle and bait boxes, and live bait tanks are all where they’re supposed to be when you get amongst the big ones.
And it’s this in-built stability that makes launch and retrieve a step on, step off affair!
After all the Dambuster Weighs in at just 105 Kilos bare, and little effort is required to handle it. Now think about this for a minute. If your boat weighs less and planes earlier or with less power where else will you feel it.
Yes, in the wallet.
This little beauty will perform on less power… AND use less of that costly fuel. That’s why it’s whole of life costs are so low by comparison.
That makes this the ideal boat for a wide range of applications.
From car top to trailer-able… even as a ‘Rolls Royce’ tender for your palace on the water!
Of course we can up-spec the Dambuster with your choice of seats, rod holders and technology such as fish finders and other creature comforts. Just ask us about customising your very own Dambuster 380.
Why the Dambuster 380?
There’s three things that come to mind when you evaluate the ‘Dambuster’.
Comfort… Style… and whole of life savings.
This is the boat that will set the standard in small boats from here on in.
This is the boat that will keep you dry and comfortable when all the others are running for cover.
This is the boat that will sneak you in amongst the big ones…
And all of this for less over the life of your investment!
The Dambuster 380… The big 'little' boat!